Below is the text of a half-sheet flyer that was passed out in the spring of 2011 at Southeastern High School in Detroit in response to an incident of gay bashing. Through this “Rainbow Ribbon” campaign, BAMN students at Southeastern got hundreds of students, staff and faculty to wear rainbow ribbons to signify their willingness to intervene against gay bashing and anti-gay harassment of LGBT students.

On Valentine’s Day, 2011, six students brutally attacked another student inside of Southeastern because of his gender identity.  Two security guards saw the attack from the beginning and ran away and never came back.  The administration, instead of punishing the anti-gay bullies, suspended the student who was jumped!

The message they are sending is that students should be ashamed to be themselves, especially those who are lesbian gay, bi-sexual, or transgender (LGBT), and that the administration will do nothing to protect students from such outrageous attacks. That message is unacceptable and dangerous.  All students in Southeastern have a right to learn in a safe environment.  This is our school and we should accept no less.

Wearing this arm band means:

  1. I support every student’s right to be themselves.
  2. I believe that LGBT students are equal to straight students and have the right to be treated with the same respect and dignity; LGBT students should not have to attend school in fear of being attacked just for being who they are; that is not what my school is about!
  3. If I see my LGBT fellow student being attacked, I will defend them, because it is a crime of hate and bigotry and should not be tolerated in our school.

Wear the rainbow armband visibly, yell if you see or hear a threat, and spread the word.

To help organize for LGBT rights, fill out the form below: